seconds. Every \u003Cshuzhi>2\u003C/> seconds, the Thalassic Heart will deal damage to nearby targets equal to \u003Cshuzhi>2%\u003C/> (\u003Cshuzhi>0.2%\u003C/> in Apex League) of the Wanderer's Max HP for \u003Cshuzhi>45\u003C/> seconds. The type of elemental damage dealt will be that of the current weapon. Damage received by targets hit is also increased by \u003Cshuzhi>4%\u003C/> for \u003Cshuzhi>5\u003C/> seconds.",null,[14,15,16,17,18],"Thalassic Heart will raise the tide \u003Cshuzhi>1\u003C/> time every \u003Cshuzhi>15\u003C/> seconds, dealing damage equal to \u003Cshuzhi>15%\u003C/> (\u003Cshuzhi>1.5%\u003C/> in Apex League) of the Wanderer's Max HP to nearby targets.","Thalassic Heart duration is extended to \u003Cshuzhi>90\u003C/> seconds.","Damage dealt to targets hit by Thalassic Heart is additionally increased by \u003Cshuzhi>5.5%\u003C/>.","Increase volt damage by \u003Cshuzhi>2%\u003C/>, even if not deployed. Unavailable in Apex League.","While diving, use Thalassic Heart to transform into a dolphin for up to \u003Cshuzhi>45\u003C/> seconds, during which enemies will not attack for \u003Cshuzhi>15\u003C/> seconds, and movement speed will be increased.\r\nWhile transformed, the next attack will thrash the seawater, dealing damage equal to \u003Cshuzhi>25%\u003C/> (\u003Cshuzhi>2.5%\u003C/> in Apex League) of your Max HP to nearby targets, and will end the transformation.",["Reactive",20],{"$sviewportState":21,"$snuxt-i18n-meta":22,"$ssite-config":23},"desktop",{},{"_priority":24,"currentLocale":28,"defaultLocale":28,"env":29,"name":30,"url":31},{"name":25,"env":26,"url":27,"defaultLocale":27,"currentLocale":27},-3,-15,-2,"en","production","","",["Set"],["ShallowReactive",34],{"hc7k5QukE2":-1},true,"/relics/thalassic-heart",{}]