seconds.",null,[14,15,16,17,18],"Unlocks Mask of the Hunter. Select when using Triple Mask and confirm again to wear. While Mask of the Hunter is worn, you can view the locations of elite achievement enemies in Domain 9 on the map.","While Triple Mask is deployed, speed is increased by \u003Cshuzhi>8%\u003C/> and elemental damage is increased by \u003Cshuzhi>6%\u003C/>.","Unlocks Mask of the Knowledge. While Mask of the Knowledge is worn, when there is an unopened chest nearby, you will be prompted and guided to the location of the chest.","Increase frost damage by \u003Cshuzhi>2%\u003C/>, even if not deployed. Unavailable in Apex League.","While Triple Mask is deployed, elemental damage is additionally increased by \u003Cshuzhi>6%\u003C/>.",["Reactive",20],{"$sviewportState":21,"$snuxt-i18n-meta":22,"$ssite-config":23},"desktop",{},{"_priority":24,"currentLocale":28,"defaultLocale":28,"env":29,"name":30,"url":31},{"name":25,"env":26,"url":27,"defaultLocale":27,"currentLocale":27},-3,-15,-2,"en","production","","",["Set"],["ShallowReactive",34],{"1iLDRw28uz":-1},true,"/relics/triple-mask",{}]