


Passive Skills
Awakening Traits
Symphony of Life
Matrix Set
Weapon Skills
WoofLv. 21
While on the ground, attack 7 times.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 48.6% of ATK plus 508.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 54.1% of ATK plus 565.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 54.1% of ATK plus 565.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 85.4% of ATK plus 892.
Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 54.1% of ATK plus 565.
Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 152.9% of ATK plus 1596.
Seventh Attack: Deal damage equal to 169% of ATK plus 1764.
UnshackleLv. 21
While airborne or after jumping once, use normal attack to attack 7 times in a row in mid-air.
First Attack: Deal damage equal to 52.9% of ATK plus 552.
Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 60.8% of ATK plus 635.
Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 60.8% of ATK plus 635.
Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 105.8% of ATK plus 1104.
Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 79.3% of ATK plus 828.
Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 183.4% of ATK plus 1915.
Seventh Attack: Deal damage equal to 202.8% of ATK plus 2117.
WolfbiteLv. 21
While on the ground, tap and hold normal attack during the second to the fourth normal attack to trigger Wolfbite.
Charge forward quickly, dealing damage equal to 69% of ATK plus 720 and knocking the target back.
After triggering Wolfbite, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Upswipe.
Swipe upward, dealing damage equal to 93.1% of ATK plus 972 and suspending the target.
Menacing HuntLv. 21
While on the ground, tap and hold normal attack during the fifth or the sixth normal attack to trigger Menacing Hunt.
Descend from above, gaining temporary invincibility and dealing damage equal to 254.3% of ATK plus 2655 and suspending the target.
Thick and FastLv. 21
Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (tap when a target is available), or tap normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using a jetpack to trigger Thick and Fast.
Descend from above, dealing damage equal to 200% of ATK plus 2088 upon landing and suspending surrounding targets.
After triggering Thick and Fast, tap and hold normal attack again to trigger Roar.
Let out a terrifying Roar in all directions and gain temporary invincibility, dealing damage equal to 200% of ATK plus 2088 to nearby targets and knocking them back.
Trailing NoteLv. 21
While airborne, tap and hold normal attack when using the second to the seventh Unshackle to trigger Trailing Note.
Roam through the air multiple times and deal damage equal to 277.3% of ATK plus 2895 to surrounding targets.
ReverberationLv. 21
Each time a target is hit by a normal attack, there is a 50% chance to place 1 musical note on the target that lasts for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 notes.
Wolfbite, Menacing Hunt, and Thick and Fast have a 100% chance to place 1 musical note on the target on hit.
Musical notes can only be placed once every 1 second.
Passive: Trailing Note and Melody will detonate all the musical notes on the target on hit, dealing damage equal to 20% of ATK times the number of musical notes detonated. Damage is doubled if 3 or more notes are detonated.
Passive: After detonating 2 or more musical notes, cause the target to become intoxicated, dealing damage equal to 1% of Wanderer's Max HP every second for 16 seconds.
Damage from musical note detonation and intoxication is considered as dodge attack damage.